Daily Blogging

Questions…. from the ❤️…

What/who is your inspiration? What/who makes you want to be a better person? Does this who or what want to make you initiate changes in your life? What kind of changes would you make if you had to choose? 

We are asking just for our fellow friends/bloggers to have a chance to speak from the heart. We care and would love to hear some of your feelings on this. 

Thank you all 🤗😌

4 thoughts on “Questions…. from the ❤️…”

  1. I have been inspired by my daughter. Odd I know but she has come back from some real challenges in her life and I admire her for that. I admire people who acknowledge that their lives are less than perfect and they carry on anyway.

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  2. What/who is your inspiration? What/who makes you want to be a better person?
    – Well, I have various sources of inspiration. But I’ll like to mention a few.
    My family,
    Ipuna Black (https://ipunablack.com/),
    Tajwar Fatma (https://lifeaswehaveneverknownit.wordpress.com/),
    Sadaf Siddiqi (https://heartattachsite.wordpress.com),
    Jothish Joseph (https://jothishjoseph.wordpress.com),
    Candace N. Bisram (https://www.pocketfulofsmiles.com/),
    and FOOD!
    All these people make me want to be a better person. You should check them out.

    Does this who or what want to make you initiate changes in your life?
    – Depends

    What kind of changes would you make if you had to choose?
    – None at the moment.

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